The Boy's go to the Zoo

One day Chevap and Kupus ran out of things to do. So they turned on the TV and heard that a zoo opening today. And they thought about going so they did, but first they got a bag of food to bring with. So when they were there they tried to get in, but they needed money. So they jumped on top of a car to get in.

When they got in they went and saw flamingos, penguins, lions, koalas, and kangaroos. Then they saw a sign that said "MONKEYS OF THE WORLD". They went and saw over 15 different monkeys when they were about to leave, a zookeeper caught them.

She said "What are you two monkeys doing out of your cage?" Then she through them in with some other monkeys called orangutans.

Kupus started to say "Please get us out of here, someone!"

"They will never let us out of here bro", said one of the orangutans.

"w...who are you?" said Kupus

"I am Milo and these are my bros Oscar, Bud, Mark, and Moushee".

"Wait a sec did you just say Moushee?" asked Chevap.

"Yes he did" said Moushee

"How did you get in here?" asked Kupus.

"Well I was here doing some research on some different monkeys, and when I was walking out that zookeeper put me in here, and that is how I got in here" said Moushee.

"Wow" said Chevap and Kupus together.

"How can we get out of here?" asked Moushee.

"If you want we can help you guys get home" said Milo.

"But you have to pay us back" said Bud.

"Deal" said Chevap. "Okay what do we have Moushee?"

"umm lets see some rope, bananas, metal, legos, and some keys", said Moushee.

"I got it we can use the keys to unlock the skylight and tie the rope to the ledge and climb up" said Kupus.

"Let’s do it" said Milo.

“Wait” said Chevap, “we should wait till they close the zoo at night" "Okay" they all said together.

When they all watched the zookeeper lock up and leave they began to escape "Milo climb to the top of the cage and unlock the skylight" said Moushee.

"I did it" said Milo.

"Okay now Oscar, throw the rope up to Milo, and Milo tie the rope to the ledge" said Moushee.

"Come on already lets go" said Kupus, Then they all climbed up the rope to freedom. Including the orangutans.

"Hey you guys have to pay us back from before" said Milo.

"What do you want us to do?" asked Chevap.

"We want you to release every one of the animals in the zoo" said Milo.

"Say what?" said Chevap.

"You have to pay us back no matter what cause we did what you asked us to do" said Milo.

"Fine" said Chevap, so they let all the animals go and all the animals rushed out of the zoo and the orangutans said "you guys are so dumb see ya later and thanks a lot."

So the boys went to go and catch all the animals and they caught all the animals but the orangutans. Then they dropped off the animals at the zoo then went to go and find the last animals to catch the orangutans.

So they found them at the community pool so they snuck up on them and caught them, got them back to the zoo and then Chevap and Kupus said to them "see ya later bro."

"Come on Kupus and Moushee lets go home" said Chevap.